This moodboard is for redesign website of Chili's restaurant. I want to keep the mexican style to it with the mexican hats, the color mood and fonts with mexican style to it. I wanted to create a chalkboard texture to it like in the picture above.

Client Website:
Project Definition:

This project is to redesign the website of "Chilis Grill & Bar" to be more attractive in terms of the design and hierarchy of the content.

Client's Site Analysis:
Client Background

Chili's first location, a converted postal station on Greenville Avenue in Dallas, Texas, opened in 1975 (this location moved to a new building near the same site in 1981, and was shut down in 2007). Lavine's concept was to create an informal, full-service dining restaurant with a menu featuring different types of hamburgers offered at an affordable price. The brand proved successful, and by the early 1980s there were 28 Chili's locations in the region, all featuring similar Southwest decor.
In 1983, Lavine sold the company to restaurant executive Norman E. Brinker, formerly of the Pillsbury restaurant group that owned Bennigans. Chili's now has locations in all 50 U.S. states, 30 international locations and two territories.
 - Chili's serves American food influenced by Tex-Mex cuisine. They also offer a veggie burger (non vegan) that is supplied by the Kellogg Company.

Competitor Website --> 

1. The hierarchy of text and menu selection is not bad, audience can know where to start looking at.
2. The color selection not bad, following the color scheme of the brand
3. Maybe the menu part, the burgers and light food such as nuggets can be different color to represent different category
4.  The layout can be better
5. The introduction pop up effect nice.

1. The artstyle is very unique and nice
2. All of the category is matching with the visual.
3. The website allows the audience to navigate around the website
4. The text is a bit too small.
5. Some of the items to navigate around are not obvious.

1. The introduction page is nice
2. The content pages not really matches the introduction page.
3. The layout of content is quite boring
4. More colors in the content page would be better
1. Starting part is quite nice.
2. The content page a bit boring.
3. The navigations can be more interesting.
4. nice color mood.


Design Tutorial

 Gantt Chart

this is the refinement of structure and moodboard...

This is my flowchart.

This is my site structure.
i was inspired by the oven, kitchen kind of things. So, i came up with this structure to become my layout, kitchen that you work in while doing cupcakes for special occasions.

This is my mood board. The mood is going to be sweet pink,free,  doodling, vector, scrapbooking kind of style.

Idea 01 : How to Create a Nice Cupcakes(Mother's day, Valentine's Day,etc)

WHO AM I - Chef

What is it - Create nice yet simple cupcakes for loved ones
WHAT FOR - For Mother's Day, Valentine's day or any special and sweet occasions
1st Task  - Get the ingredients(list of ingredients)
2nd Task - Ready the equipments needed
3rd Task  - Start getting messy and fill with love(5-6 steps)
SHOWCASE - Gallery of types and design of cupcakes
Extra - Create your own recipe and send in 

Idea 02 : How to Create Wedding Car Decorations

WHO AM I - Wedding Car Decorator
What is it - D.I.Y wedding car decoration
WHAT FOR - For weddings
1st Task  - Get the materials(2-4 steps)
2nd Task - Decide what theme you desire
3rd Task  - Start put it up(5-6 steps)
SHOWCASE - Gallery of designs for weddings,different themes
Extra - Tips& Warning during the process of wedding car decoration

Idea 03 : Appropriate Way of Being a Musician

WHO AM I - Musician
What is it - Appropriate way of being a musician
WHAT FOR - For performances, composing songs
1st Task  - Get the materials(musical things such as violin, stands etc etc)
2nd Task - Steps for beginners
3rd Task  - Learning notes(6-7 steps)
SHOWCASE - Gallery of scores of musical
Extra - compose your own song and send in

Character sitting on a wheel chair, collecting berries. Till then, character heard noise come from the cave.

Scene 2
She move towards the noise full with curiosity and enter the cave

Scene 3
Character wondering in the cave, saw reflection of herself standing up. Character touch the water-like mirror. Character was dragged towards the water-like mirror.

Scene 4
Another world, totally different from reality, colorful everywhere, candies everywhere where the character start dancing about

Scene 5
 Noise is heard, character slowly move towards the noise, hiding behind the tree

Scene 6
it was seen the dangling chains, weeping ropes. Humans are tied up, creatures are huge, hairy but the odd one , looks like human, perfect lady, leading the creature to torture humans

Scene 7
Character accidentally snap a twig, caught the creatures' attention, started running. The lady horn to compile the creatures to chase after the character as she turn into a horrible creature just like her minions but larger. As the lady change herself, she didnt realize that one of the prisoners trying to escape, releasing the chains.

Scene 8
As the character run, the escaped prisoner run passed her and grab character's hand and run together

Scene 9
As they ran together, they didnt realize that the creature was just right in front of them. As they stop they look up at the creature and the large hands of the creature sweep and grab the prisoner as the character fell off.

Scene 10
The prisoner insist the character to run as fast as she could before they get to her as well, at the same moment the prisoner was eaten up by the creature

Scene 11
As the character run reluctantly, she kept looking behind.

Scene 12
Reached the border, as she's back to reality, panting , felt weak on knees and fell on knees. Crickets could be heard, it was darker.

Scene 13
Grandparents was calling for character, walked pass the cave, saw her kneeling down, they immediately rush and hugged her.

these are the characters that i research on...

these are the characters that i research on...

here's the refined storyline, mainly about the desire, fantasy..journey of a disabled wishing to just walk in her legs again. Just to show how imperfection that makes them perfect
* still working on the title*

                As days passed by, I’m still sitting on a wheelchair, moving on the same road that I do every single day to visit my dearly sick grandmother. But then, I decided to use the other road that I unfamiliar with, as the berries of my grandmother’s favorite grew big and juicy, so I decided to pick up some for my grandmother.
While I’m picking up some berries for my grandmother, I glanced at the dark looking cave, it was seen a shining, glowing thing in the cave. I move towards the cave full with curiosity, it was seen as a water-like mirror, nothing like I seen before. As I move towards nearer to the thing, I’m seeing myself in a wheelchair remembering back what happen to my legs. Seconds later, I saw the reflection of myself standing up freely. Full with curiosity, touching it gently, curious what’s that which I actually could move through.
On the other side of this water-like mirror, it was shown as another world totally different from reality, colorful everywhere, breezing blew through my hair, candies everywhere where I felt like a kid again. As I move about the place, my legs felt like never before. I could move about the place freely without my wheelchair, more like a dream come true. As I was wondering about the place, exploring, I saw the two very different sacred stone sitting on two different tables. One is placed on a normal wooden table all thorny, while the other one was nicely put on a grand golden table. There’s the notice hanging saying in a language I’m unfamiliar with, turning my head wondering maybe I could understand the language. I pick up the first stone trying to examine why is it place in such way, the longer I hold on to the stone, I felt the burning on my hands till I drop it on the ground.
When I look on my hands, it turns into leaves falling apart, freaking me out what was happening. The other stone was slightly smaller in size but it was golden, heavenly. Thinking inside my heart, maybe this could reverse the curse, and yet it does just need a little charm in it “apologous mante”. It was then I heard some noise on the other side. Many wheel chairs and arm rests lying around the place. Walking curiously I heard chain dangling and rope smacking.
Humans were tied up being the slaves of those unfamiliar creatures. I waited for those creatures busy doing something else, I walked gently towards them, trying to break through the rusty chain. As they were released, everyone escape running till one of them fell on the ground, make it noticeable for the creatures. As we were running for our lives, I just reached out for the golden stone, immediately rush to the entrance, borders between two worlds, hoping the creatures couldn’t reach for us. As we reach out of the borders, it was dark and cold, most of us are weak at our legs and kneed down on ground due to most of us are in disabled and originally in wheel chairs.
Those horrible creatures couldn’t get through the borders, thankfully. The golden stone I’m holding on turn into a normal cave stone you will find it anywhere. Though how much I wish to walk again but I will never ever want to go back to the horrible place where they made slaves out of people. Until then I heard the voice echoing calling for me. It was my family searching for me.
The message through this story is not all dreams or wishes could come true, sometimes you got to snap out of it, and move on. Even you’re not perfect the way you are now, but you’re perfect in an imperfection way. At times imperfection that makes you perfect. If something is yours, it will be yours forever. Even if you let it go now, it will come back to you somehow.

the 3 key points i chose are:

1. Memorable incident; it's something that happened before, but it still remain in your memory that you could     even dream of it.

2. Desire; it's something that you wish, you dream of due to some reasons.

3. Fantasy; some imagination, that doesn't exist in reality.

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