This is my flowchart.

This is my site structure.
i was inspired by the oven, kitchen kind of things. So, i came up with this structure to become my layout, kitchen that you work in while doing cupcakes for special occasions.

This is my mood board. The mood is going to be sweet pink,free,  doodling, vector, scrapbooking kind of style.

Idea 01 : How to Create a Nice Cupcakes(Mother's day, Valentine's Day,etc)

WHO AM I - Chef

What is it - Create nice yet simple cupcakes for loved ones
WHAT FOR - For Mother's Day, Valentine's day or any special and sweet occasions
1st Task  - Get the ingredients(list of ingredients)
2nd Task - Ready the equipments needed
3rd Task  - Start getting messy and fill with love(5-6 steps)
SHOWCASE - Gallery of types and design of cupcakes
Extra - Create your own recipe and send in 

Idea 02 : How to Create Wedding Car Decorations

WHO AM I - Wedding Car Decorator
What is it - D.I.Y wedding car decoration
WHAT FOR - For weddings
1st Task  - Get the materials(2-4 steps)
2nd Task - Decide what theme you desire
3rd Task  - Start put it up(5-6 steps)
SHOWCASE - Gallery of designs for weddings,different themes
Extra - Tips& Warning during the process of wedding car decoration

Idea 03 : Appropriate Way of Being a Musician

WHO AM I - Musician
What is it - Appropriate way of being a musician
WHAT FOR - For performances, composing songs
1st Task  - Get the materials(musical things such as violin, stands etc etc)
2nd Task - Steps for beginners
3rd Task  - Learning notes(6-7 steps)
SHOWCASE - Gallery of scores of musical
Extra - compose your own song and send in

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just a typical girl that never gonna give up in everything she do..
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