I am a roller-coaster. Full with excitements, with ups and downs.
 I may seem to be full of excitements, however
my emotions, there were ups and downs like having a wild ride of
the roller coaster, i may be giving you excitements, the next thing you 
know i could be giving you fears.

I'm a masquerade mask.Mysteriously hidden.
I may be like to be all mysterious for you to find out, 
I may be hiding something behind the mask, but you will  
get to know who I really am under all those mysterious outer features.
3. Bird in a cage
I'm more like a bird in a cage. Birds that seek freedom after been prisoned in a cage without explorations.
I'm the bird that was prisoned in a cage that seeks
for some freedom. The cage is symbolized as the grip of my parents. Every movement, 
steps was under a microscope and protected which gives lesser explorations surrounding me.
4. Chat Box 
I'm a chat box. A box that contains gossips, interactions within chatters.
 I actually love to chitter chatter around with friends, friendly,
gossiping around, interact with friends and family
5. Space Rocket
I'm a space rocket. It move freely in space, exploring gazing the enormous universe.
I'm like that space rocket, that loves exploring around the infinity space, gaining knowledge
with things surround us.
6. Reflections
I'm a reflections in the water, mirror and other things that gives reflections. It reflected who you really are in the inside not only the outside.
 No matter how you treat me, I will reflect it back 
to you.
7. Music box
I'm a music box. Boost relaxation with music.
Sometimes i got all stressed up with assignments, projects. When that happens,
i just boost myself with some relaxation, by playing some music with instruments.
8. Memory Card
I'm a memory card. It stores memories.
I could remember all kinds of things, memories no matter sweet, happy, sad. It's more
like storing in my brains, somewhere. Who treated me good, i will remember same goes to the bad
treats i will still remember. No matter how it's still in the store of memories unless something bad happen,
hit my head that causes corruption of the storage, just like the memory card. If the card got corrupted, all
the things you store, it could neither be viewed nor opened.

9. Broken string puppet
I'm a broken string puppet. Usually the kind of puppet with strings hanging controlling its movement.
I dislike more like hate it  when people trying to control my life in the sense of what i do, what i choose,
movements and steps i do. I hate people telling me what to do, should not do this and that, who i should be. Without those strings, I'm no longer under control of anyone as no one could ever control my life. I live my own way.

10. Comb
I'm a comb. It untangles hair, makes it smooth and straight.
When my friends pour out their problems they had, I always will be there for them, trying to untangle
their problems that they kept in their heart, giving them advice, convince them that there's nothing that
can't be solved, things aren't that complicated as it seems, bringing them back to happiness.

These are the 10 things that describes myself, and more for you to figure out.


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just a typical girl that never gonna give up in everything she do..
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