here's the refined storyline, mainly about the desire, fantasy..journey of a disabled wishing to just walk in her legs again. Just to show how imperfection that makes them perfect
* still working on the title*

                As days passed by, I’m still sitting on a wheelchair, moving on the same road that I do every single day to visit my dearly sick grandmother. But then, I decided to use the other road that I unfamiliar with, as the berries of my grandmother’s favorite grew big and juicy, so I decided to pick up some for my grandmother.
While I’m picking up some berries for my grandmother, I glanced at the dark looking cave, it was seen a shining, glowing thing in the cave. I move towards the cave full with curiosity, it was seen as a water-like mirror, nothing like I seen before. As I move towards nearer to the thing, I’m seeing myself in a wheelchair remembering back what happen to my legs. Seconds later, I saw the reflection of myself standing up freely. Full with curiosity, touching it gently, curious what’s that which I actually could move through.
On the other side of this water-like mirror, it was shown as another world totally different from reality, colorful everywhere, breezing blew through my hair, candies everywhere where I felt like a kid again. As I move about the place, my legs felt like never before. I could move about the place freely without my wheelchair, more like a dream come true. As I was wondering about the place, exploring, I saw the two very different sacred stone sitting on two different tables. One is placed on a normal wooden table all thorny, while the other one was nicely put on a grand golden table. There’s the notice hanging saying in a language I’m unfamiliar with, turning my head wondering maybe I could understand the language. I pick up the first stone trying to examine why is it place in such way, the longer I hold on to the stone, I felt the burning on my hands till I drop it on the ground.
When I look on my hands, it turns into leaves falling apart, freaking me out what was happening. The other stone was slightly smaller in size but it was golden, heavenly. Thinking inside my heart, maybe this could reverse the curse, and yet it does just need a little charm in it “apologous mante”. It was then I heard some noise on the other side. Many wheel chairs and arm rests lying around the place. Walking curiously I heard chain dangling and rope smacking.
Humans were tied up being the slaves of those unfamiliar creatures. I waited for those creatures busy doing something else, I walked gently towards them, trying to break through the rusty chain. As they were released, everyone escape running till one of them fell on the ground, make it noticeable for the creatures. As we were running for our lives, I just reached out for the golden stone, immediately rush to the entrance, borders between two worlds, hoping the creatures couldn’t reach for us. As we reach out of the borders, it was dark and cold, most of us are weak at our legs and kneed down on ground due to most of us are in disabled and originally in wheel chairs.
Those horrible creatures couldn’t get through the borders, thankfully. The golden stone I’m holding on turn into a normal cave stone you will find it anywhere. Though how much I wish to walk again but I will never ever want to go back to the horrible place where they made slaves out of people. Until then I heard the voice echoing calling for me. It was my family searching for me.
The message through this story is not all dreams or wishes could come true, sometimes you got to snap out of it, and move on. Even you’re not perfect the way you are now, but you’re perfect in an imperfection way. At times imperfection that makes you perfect. If something is yours, it will be yours forever. Even if you let it go now, it will come back to you somehow.


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