Character sitting on a wheel chair, collecting berries. Till then, character heard noise come from the cave.

Scene 2
She move towards the noise full with curiosity and enter the cave

Scene 3
Character wondering in the cave, saw reflection of herself standing up. Character touch the water-like mirror. Character was dragged towards the water-like mirror.

Scene 4
Another world, totally different from reality, colorful everywhere, candies everywhere where the character start dancing about

Scene 5
 Noise is heard, character slowly move towards the noise, hiding behind the tree

Scene 6
it was seen the dangling chains, weeping ropes. Humans are tied up, creatures are huge, hairy but the odd one , looks like human, perfect lady, leading the creature to torture humans

Scene 7
Character accidentally snap a twig, caught the creatures' attention, started running. The lady horn to compile the creatures to chase after the character as she turn into a horrible creature just like her minions but larger. As the lady change herself, she didnt realize that one of the prisoners trying to escape, releasing the chains.

Scene 8
As the character run, the escaped prisoner run passed her and grab character's hand and run together

Scene 9
As they ran together, they didnt realize that the creature was just right in front of them. As they stop they look up at the creature and the large hands of the creature sweep and grab the prisoner as the character fell off.

Scene 10
The prisoner insist the character to run as fast as she could before they get to her as well, at the same moment the prisoner was eaten up by the creature

Scene 11
As the character run reluctantly, she kept looking behind.

Scene 12
Reached the border, as she's back to reality, panting , felt weak on knees and fell on knees. Crickets could be heard, it was darker.

Scene 13
Grandparents was calling for character, walked pass the cave, saw her kneeling down, they immediately rush and hugged her.


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